First N64 portable --Mule64

Fat Mule

Hello everyone, I have finally taken the task upon myself to build an N64 Portable! I will try to add to this as often as possible when making the portable! I just have several questions.

--Can someone supply me a link where I can buy a nonshady website that has an N64, and a screen that works!

Other than that, I should be set!

I will post my design in a while and please feedback would be excellent!

Thanks everyone
I plan my case to be 9" across
6" tall
Gcube analog stick
Flat buttons, (A, B, C's)
7"screen (trying to find one)
expansion pack, integrated
Unsure of batteries ATM

ummm I guess thats all for now, please post positive suggestions!
[resist facepalm]

Which one are you going to buy, the one I linked or the one Hrduncan linked, or your own?

EDIT: imma gonna buy the one i link'd when it gets relisted...cause it ended

EDIT4GR8JUSTICE:I made a scematic:

Would it look something like that?
If you are interested enough, I have a screen that is identical to the one in Mario's Sprocket64. (its either identical, or a newer version of the same screen. theres two iterations, and I am not sure which he used.) I wouldn't mind hanging on to it, so if I do sell it, it wont be cheap, but its a possibility.
Nope. I cant tell you, because I dont know myself. I have 4, and none of them have any manufacturer identification on them.
Ha ha ha... I truly forgot I had a worklog! but as of this weekend I will have enough money to begin my perilous journey upon making my portable! Ill post some schematics and the things I plan to use over the next few days! Thank you for all your help everyone (: