First GameCube Portable


In late December I was stumbling YouTube and found a Portable someone made. I believe it was "gman". It has inspired me so much I have had a fire lit under me to my one for myself.
In fact, I am making one for myself and another. I am not new to electronics and I have significant soldering experience, but I have never attempted to mod something like this. Here are the parts that I have:

x2 3.5" LCD LED Back-lit screens -- I was unsure of what I was going to do, but I loved these little screens, I bought two of them for $10 each.
7" LCD LED Back-lit screen -- I wanted to see what my options were and maybe make another portable with this larger screen. This was a $30 Screen
x3 GameCubes -- I have already torn one apart and ripped off every port. My goal is to make this Portable as compact as I can.
x8 3000mah 3.7 Li-ions -- These were Barely a dollar each. Even if I find something better, I will make use of these.
x3 128MB Memory Cards -- I saw a mod where someone switched between memory cards with a simple button press, and I am hoping I could do something like that too.

I have many tools:
Dremel Set, Nintendo Bits, Soldering Irons, wire, etc

My goal is to have a Disc-less and Pocket-able GameCube. I have done many many electronics projects, but none of them have ever exited me this much.
I want feed back, ideas, sugestions and anything anyone can give to get me on track to my first Portable!

The BIGGEST problem I have now, which won't be a shock I'm sure, is that I cant find any Disc Drive emulation Mod chips. Everyone that I have found, isn't in production any more.
If anyone can get me on my feet here, I will make sure to keep you all informed of my progress, and show off my creation!
octavio2895 said:
The mod chip is called wiikey fusion.

That is one I have been eyeballing closely, except I can't locate ANY sellers. Any ideas where I can get a couple of them?
Yeah, nah, defs dont buy from there.

Same as

5 weeks+ no response, no package.
One reply from the 3rd party company that handles their transactions then ignored.
Thanks for all the feedback guys. I will put in an order for two when they are back up.
I will be posting my project progress when the chips arrive.
This project was put on hold till I could find any Modchip closely related to the Wiikey fusion.

From what I can tell, there aren't much in the way of gamecube supported modchips any more.
My research hasn't directly answered my questions at all. So I am going to be blunt, and hope I can get some guidance and get this project moving toward completion.

Are there any good mod chips that will allow me to replace my Gamecube DVD Drive with an SD card?
Are there any stores still selling them that I can order Right now?
You can try here for a WASP: ... cts_id=431
It says they won't ship until around May 9 but mine shipped a day after ordering it a couple weeks ago. I received a working mod chip from them, so it's at least a reputable. As for the WASP, it works exactly like the WiiKey and the chip itself is even smaller than the Wiikey's. The SD reader is bigger but not by too much. So it's a good option.