First Gamecube Portable

Hello. First let me start off by saying how awesome a community this is and after a few months of learning I'm just gonna jump right into this. So far iv'e wired up the original regulator board, wired up a memory card, and connected audio and video to my psone screen. As you can see, I haven't made much progress so far. But I'm getting there :D.

That's a pic of all the stuff ive done so far

And yes, it works.
I'm planning on getting a zn 45 case to hold it all together. I'd put in a wiikey fusion, but it's impossible to find one of those anywhere. (if any of you help me with that it would be much appreciated). I'm still deciding about what to buy for batteries though.
Alright, got my batteries. I extracted them from an old laptop battery, tested them with a multimeter and they're all good to go! They even have an led fuel gauge :)


I also got my regulators from ti, but I can't use them yet cause i'm still waiting on my resistors and capacitors from digikey. Anyone know how long it takes to get a order from digikey when you snail mail your money and parts list?
I'm not sure, some expert should look into it, but make sure that board has a protection circuit.
Quickstart3700 said:
Anyone know how long it takes to get a order from digikey when you snail mail your money and parts list?
You can do that?

Where did you measure voltage on the battery? At the connector? Some (most, all?) laptop batteries require shorting certain pins in order to get power. If you measured at the cells themselves, you still don't know if power is getting through your protection circuit.
vskid3 said:
You can do that?
It would appear so. They have a form here and it appears to have been a common practice as it yields free shipping to the US and Canada.
Just got the resistors, capacitors, and leds from digikey so I can finally led mod the ps1 screen and assemble my voltage regulator. I can't post pics right now but I found the pins on the battery circuit to short and tested it with the gamecube motherboard. It works, but to be on the safe side I'm gonna install a protection circuit myself. I managed to trim the ps1 screen, but broke one of the 7805s while relocating it. I see that the 7805 is different from normal 7085s. How would I attach a normal 7805 to this spot?
Also Vskid3 all I did was put a money order and a screenshot of my cart in an envelope addressed to digikey. The parts came in around a week. ... anguage=en

apparently in stock, but 28 bucks shipping to me here in oz... not willing to pay that, but you might be.

So hard to track down.

Got a supplier for wasp fusion though (Hong Kong) hopefully trust worthy.

(all 18650's have protection built in, including overheating cut off, that is - if you extract them from a laptop... it's part of the charging PCB)
Well, not giving up on this project yet. Haven't worked on it for the past few months cause I just grew kinda bored and school/track/league haven't been helping. I decided to ditch the ps1 screen and save that for something else. I also ditched batteries cause they suck but I made sure to keep it possible to add them later on. I decided on a new screen and speakers:
You'll notice I put the link to two different screens, still trying to decide what size I want.
Now for progress. I created the custom regulator, added a switch and plug, ext video out sockets, a memory card, and a indicator led doohicky.
And now, pics
