Find me a screen! (lvds)


#1 Female Member
well, long story short, i need a 15 to 16 inch widescreen LAPTOP SCREEN, WITH AN LVDS CONNECTION. find me one plox? :awesome:

i want one that isnt too high of reso'ution, 720p max. and, one that can be acquired as a "replacement part" on ebay or something. try to keep the price low. and, just for the record, this is a test of a certain service/product that i have discovered, deep in the bowels of the internet, beyond a simple google search. once i order one, and test it, i will post links and reviews and stuff. :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:
How about this Acer Aspire 3050 LCD?

This is the cheapest I can find. My previous laptop has this and it's very good. 1280x800 (displays 720p nicely) and the backlight is good. It's glossy though and you know you can't just hook up game consoles for this, no?
well, that would probably work, but thats a canadian seller. shipping costs out the ying. :gonk:
and, if this works, i can "just hook it up to any game console." :awesome:
XCVG said:
Actually, it's an american seller and US shipping is only 14.99 of your money.
oh. i just figured since the link was to ebay canada. :roll:
but, i have found a screen, and should be ordering all the stuff for this shortly. i finally decided to search for myself. :awesome:
Make sure the LVDS video driver board you are getting so you can use it supports turning scaling on and off. If not, you will have a blurry image on newer gen consoles, or a tiny box of video in the center using retro consoles.
PalmerTech said:
Make sure the LVDS video driver board you are getting so you can use it supports turning scaling on and off. If not, you will have a blurry image on newer gen consoles, or a tiny box of video in the center using retro consoles.
thanks for pointing that out. now i know which one to go with. i was stuck between two models, but now i know. thanks man! :awesome:
alright. i need halp!

whats the difference between WXGA and VGA, and WUXGA, and SXGA?
also, is there a good way to get VGA out of an original xbox, without making the xbox vga cable and running the flashed firmware, and all that lame stuff? i need good quality video here, too. im thinking something like this, but this is a bit big for my needs.
and, whats the highest resolution i can expect to get out of an xbox on standard composite video, or RGb?

can i get 1366*768, without upscaling?
:awesome: :gonk: :awesome:
If you get this to work, post a worklog. It will make most of those laptop screens usable.


VGA: 640×480
WXGA: 1280×720, 1280×768, 1280×800, 1360×768, 1366×768
WUXGA: 1920×1200
SXGA: 1280×1024

(Source: Google + Wikipedia)

EDIT 2: Why would you want to do this? The driver board + LCD + Inverter costs more than cheap LCD monitors. :/
Aguiluz said:
EDIT 2: Why would you want to do this? The driver board + LCD + Inverter costs more than cheap LCD monitors. :/
thanks for the info. :awesome:
and, as for cost, if this works out, the screen+converter, and everything will be around 100 to 150$, and you would get a thinner, more power efficient lcd, and it opens it up to many different sizes. i mean, finding a 15.4 inch monitor is a pain in the ass. but finding a 15.4" laptop lcd is a peice of cake. same with any other size from about 8" to 16", and you can get both 16:9 and 4:3. :awesome: