Failed every project so far. UGH


Stumbled upon these forums about a year ago when I discovered people buy custom painted consoles. Always had it in the back of my mind to try it. About 3 months ago I got a Gamecube for free, so I decided I'd try to my hand at custom painting. I didn't really know what I was doing, didnt sand properly, didnt remove oils or really prep it at all, and I didnt even use primer. It turned out like junk so I just tossed it.

Then I decided I was going to try to do a custom paint-job on a GBC with a backlight mod and do some research. I then spent:
$20 on a GBC
$34 on a GB SP
$48 on tons of sandpaper and spray paint
$2 on misc

I took about the GB SP and cut the wrong side of the screen. flax. Spent $34 on another one. ($138 spent so far)

Did the paint, looked decent but I tried a splatter paint job and the splatters were too thick so it wasnt smooth, otherwise it was perfect. I took the GB SP apart correctly and got to the soldering stage. I soldered the resistor on just fine, but I then realized the gauge of wire I had was too large and I was basically screwed and realized this wasnt going to work. Tried anyway, broke the screen connector. Dangit.

This is weird to me because I work at a phone repair store and repair electronics literally all day long, I have no idea why I'm having such a hard time with these projects. Just needed to vent. $136 out.

I also wanted to ask.. Could this actually be a decent side income? Nothing huge but.. just something? I always figure buying 5 N64's for $70 each, sanding and painting them all at the same time with a nice glossy color, then selling them for the usual $150 each (ebay) could yield some simple spending money. I mean there isnt a big difference of painting 1 console or 5 if you're doing it all at the same time, just takes a tad bit longer. $40 profit on each, doing 5 a day.. Not bad. In theory, that is.

If not I think I'm going to just give up. I'm really tempted to buy an N64 and just do some paint with maybe some decals under the clearcoat and sell it, but if i *Can'tSayThisOnTV* that up I'll be out another $70.
If you're trying to learn painting, I would start out with just painting random flax. Don't try and make things with the goal of turning a profit just yet.

Decide you want your computer case to be blue with a silver diagonal line on it. Figure out how to do it and make it happen.

Also, buy N64s listed as "For parts or repair" chances are you can fix them, and if not, you can still get some practice painting their shells. Grab some working N64s with cosmetic problems, transport the board on over. Boom, you've just cut some of your losses.

*Can'tSayThisOnTV*ups happen. They don't have to mean that you just trash everything that lead up to it. You can find a way to make your mistake worth something.
Shopping for N64's now.. Is there anything I should absolutely not purchase? I'm not sure what's fixable with these and what is just a lost cause.

ttsgeb said:
If you're trying to learn painting, I would start out with just painting random flax. Don't try and make things with the goal of turning a profit just yet.

Decide you want your computer case to be blue with a silver diagonal line on it. Figure out how to do it and make it happen.

Also, buy N64s listed as "For parts or repair" chances are you can fix them, and if not, you can still get some practice painting their shells. Grab some working N64s with cosmetic problems, transport the board on over. Boom, you've just cut some of your losses.

*PLAQUE'D* happen. They don't have to mean that you just trash everything that lead up to it. You can find a way to make your mistake worth something.
Anything that cost more than you're willing to throw away.
Anything that has been run over by a car.
Just accept that you're gonna get a few actually busted boards in there with everything, and keep them around to practice doing stupid flax with.
I found one for $45.99 with free shipping. It includes a controller, all the cables, and a copy of Ocarina of Time. I figure OOT is worth $30 alone, so I'm really only risking $15. He says something is rattling inside and the picture is blurred. I'm guessing a weak video connection or possible hes just blind and something is in the way of the cartridge and it isnt making full contact. Any input? I dont mind spending the money but I just dont want to waste time and you know more than I do about this.

I imagine finding an irreparable N64 is pretty difficullt. I mean unless it was smashed to bits, what are the chances someone beat it up so much a piece of the board broke off?

ttsgeb said:
Anything that cost more than you're willing to throw away.
Anything that has been run over by a car.
Just accept that you're gonna get a few actually busted boards in there with everything, and keep them around to practice doing stupid flax with.
For all we know, there's a silver dollar in there rattlin' about.
The only way to know for sure what it is is to take it apart.

BTW, you should probably find a gamebit driver. Bic pens and lighters only work so well.
Oh I've got a pretty massive electronics toolkit, when I got into phone and laptop repair I just bought one that had tons of bits. I opened up a GBC cartridge and I'm pretty sure that uses the same screws as the N64.

ttsgeb said:
For all we know, there's a silver dollar in there rattlin' about.
The only way to know for sure what it is is to take it apart.

BTW, you should probably find a gamebit driver. Bic pens and lighters only work so well.
blakebcg said:
Oh I've got a pretty massive electronics toolkit, when I got into phone and laptop repair I just bought one that had tons of bits. I opened up a GBC cartridge and I'm pretty sure that uses the same screws as the N64.
Gameboy cartridges use a smaller e-torx bit than consoles. If it came part of a set, though, I'm sure you'll have both.
There are ways to make money from this hobby, although there's a tremendous amount of time and work involved.

Starting out, I would only continue to pursue modding because you enjoy it and not for the money. I would not recommend modding for a profit until you have a process that is repeatable.

Best of luck! :wink: