epicelite's Junkyeard thread! Easy to read! (UPDATE 3/19/10)

Re: epicelite's Junkyeard thread! Easy to read! (EDITED 26/08)

lol we've discussed this on 2 pages now :rofl:
Re: epicelite's Junkyeard thread! Easy to read! (EDITED 26/08)

Oh, well I am not black so I cant be expected to know these things. :3

Was wondering why he was all over the TV.
Re: epicelite's Junkyeard thread! Easy to read! (EDITED 26/08)

LOL :rofl: neither am i but my school district is ocd about this holiday.not like christmas is important or anything just MLK :wtf: .
Re: epicelite's Junkyeard thread! Easy to read! (EDITED 26/08)

Can you post pictures of where the zn 40 is bondo-ed?
Re: epicelite's Junkyeard thread! Easy to read! (UPDATE 1/21/10)

Ah, dang it again! I just have bad timing dont I?
Re: epicelite's Junkyeard thread! Easy to read! (UPDATE 1/21/10)

Hey id be interested in tetris and yeeloow if ya still got em
Re: epicelite's Junkyeard thread! Easy to read! (UPDATE 1/21/10)

I kinda wanna keep tetris unless you REALLY want it?

Yellow still available, not sure if battery works cus its been sitting around for some time.
Re: epicelite's Junkyeard thread! Easy to read! (UPDATE 1/21/10)

lol i understand. keep tetris man. could you check yellows battery tho?
Re: epicelite's Junkyeard thread! Easy to read! (UPDATE 1/21/10)

Sorry then im good. Why do u want tetris then tho
Re: epicelite's Junkyeard thread! Easy to read! (UPDATE 1/21/10)

Cus I will play it if I ever get a game boy. :P
Re: epicelite's Junkyeard thread! Easy to read! (UPDATE 1/21/10)

I just found a screwdriver tip that goes to NES/SNES/N64(I think all 3, if not first 2).

Who wants?
Re: epicelite's Junkyeard thread! Easy to read! (UPDATE 1/21/10)

NES is Phillips, SNES and N53 are Gamebit, are you talking about a Gamebit?
Re: epicelite's Junkyeard thread! Easy to read! (UPDATE 1/21/10)

Yeah whatever its called.

Also I think its more for cartridges then systems.

PS: I also got a TV-B-Gone from adafruit.com!
It is already put together, but it needs 1 transistor(included) replaced!

I think its the older version.

Make offer!