Envision rev 3


Frequent Poster
Its not really worthy of the Finished Projects section, I don't think, so I'll post it here.

I finished up my 2nd Envision commission (making it Envision Rev 3). I received the downpayment early Nov, so technically this customer had to wait 4 months for their commission to be completed :p

This customer lives in Italy, so I'm going to have to talk with Fedex to make sure they don't go full retard on me like the USPS did.

For the most part, the Rev 3 is the same under the hood. The case closed up MUCH easier than the rev 1 and 2 because I used thinner 22 guage wire for the power lines (using 2 sets of 22 guage instead of one wire of 18 guage). I also nestled 2 of the regulators underneath the motherboard, and that saved a lotta space.

I made a lil video showing the internals and explaining how the L and R buttons are held in place.

So I have just 2 more Envisions to build, and then I'll be able to resume progress on the ever-delayed Project P :sweat:
Always loved your Envision portables. This one lives up to its name! Is your screen just a standard 12v LCD with RCA input?
It looks really messy and crowded, but after hearing the explanation, it sounds pretty organized and easy. Nice job.