EL panels are pretty cool too


Frequent Poster
Just a little teaser :o . DMG based, or "GBO" for the retarded.
DMG is the 3-letter identifier in the model name, like how AGB is game boy advance, NTR is Nintendo DS, CGB is GB color, and MGB is Game Boy Pocket. GBO was created by some idiot who is an idiot.

Also guys, since we have a non-stupid, commercialwhored forum, can we just swear in moderation like normal forums instead of having flaxty censors?
Bibin said:
DMG is the 3-letter identifier in the model name, like how AGB is game boy advance, NTR is Nintendo DS, CGB is GB color, and MGB is Game Boy Pocket. GBO was created by some idiot who is an idiot.

Also guys, since we have a non-stupid, commercialwhored forum, can we just swear in moderation like normal forums instead of having flaxty censors?
But it doesn't stand for anything :cry: lame...
ßeta said:
He's busy in real life, so PalmerTech demoted him until he can be active. :)
*Can'tSayThisOnTV*, I know how that is. Between open gym and driver's ed I'm home like 4 hours :lol:
I don't want to to into detail, but it involves school finals, family stability issues involving depression and finance, and violent threats made by others in public. Again, I don't want to go into detail.
No need. All we have to hear is "Real life," and we won't ask. Good luck, may your life be long and happy, may you have many prosperous grandchildren. :)
Hey, you admins are teasing me now - it says "Moderator" under my name but I don't have any powers. Lame!
It's two different settings, I'm sure it's just an oversight. I'll get SS to change it if you really want. :lol:
ßeta said:
It's two different settings, I'm sure it's just an oversight. I'll get SS to change it if you really want. :lol:
Hmm. I will grab my electromagnet to see if I can use it to manipulate which way he changes it.
xXPunisher24Xx said:
Is There a guide on how to add a back light to a GameBoy Color? or the tutorial for the GameBoy Pocket apply the same for it? :)
For a gbc look up gba frontlight here. An it is the same for gbp.
That's actually a guide from benheck, but thanks for reminding me, I'll bring my guide over here.