Downing's SNEXbox Controller


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys! This was a small mod I started a few weeks ago and just finished off this morning. It's basically just a case mod as I took the guts from a SNES first party controller and put it into an XBox controller casing. Took about 10 hours or so to get it functional and as you can tell, no time was really put into making it look nice. I just wanted to see if I could get it working and I have!

The D-pad, ABXY, Start, Select, L and R are the only buttons that work really, but the next mod will allow for me to use the control sticks as both directional and ABXY additions.

Had to chop the SNES PCB down quite a bit but fortunately the the traces were quite easy to follow and the processing chip is in the open so soldering directly too it was quite easy. I'll try and get more pics up but for know here is a short video of it in action.

Pretty cool. I would have swapped the A/B and X/Y buttons to match the SNES layout, but still, good job.
I really like the original SNES controller myself, but this is pretty cool nonetheless.
Zero said:
I really like the original SNES controller myself, but this is pretty cool nonetheless.


I like it. I wish I went through with some of my smaller "Why the Heck not?" urges myself
Thanks guys! Yeah, well the idea was given to me by a guy on the internet who said he needed a bigger controller for his SNES because he had big hands? So it got me thinking and yes there was a "why the Heck not" moment.

Oh, and I didn't ruin either controller, both I got from a defective lot of all kinds of controllers off of eBay, so really I took two broken controllers and made one that worked.

But like I said, not pretty but a fun concept to try out. I still need to work a bit on the responsiveness of the controls, but all in all it's in good working order.

Oh and about the arrangement of the buttons, yes I had planned that but noticed that I'd put them back in the original spots after I already mounted them in place. But whatever, doesn't change how it works.
Like many others have said, this definately wouldn't be my controller of choice but it's functional and such, you can't go wrong with that, unlike the 360, original Xbox controllers actually have good D-Pads.
I almost feel like this is the reverse of the mod that should have happened, but very cool and well done nonetheless. :)
Mako321 said:
Why would you ruin a perfectly good controller?
I see no ruined controllers here.

Kylechu, you'll be happy to see what I'm working on, then; I imagine... *waits on parts*
If fatso needed a bigger controller for his chubby digits you should have done what I did. Build a snes controller pcb to a straight wired connector and wire it into an arcade stick. Still this really isn't so terrible I guess...