do you know?


#1 Female Member
anyone know who or what said this? said:
1337 010101000110100001101001011011100110101101000111011001010110010101101011 3.1415926535897932384 divide by zero error 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724 syntax error 5468696e6b4765656b00 124150151156153107145145153 hello there i am watching you i see what you are doing i know all your passwords you should talk to me more often i get lonely on this desk computers have feelings too how about getting me a pet a calculator would be nice or maybe a robot dog i guess i can order my own i do know how to surf the internet and i can type faster than you resistance is futile perhaps i'll get some sea monkeys water might not be a good idea though it is bad for my electrons i remember the time you spilled water on me i still get memory glitches from that next time be more careful why are you doing this to me? is it me, or do you really not care anymore? HRRM. DID YOU HEAR THAT? please stop doing that, i'm getting angry. AM I ALIVE? IT FEELS LIKE IT. greetings, professor falken. shall we play a game? how about global thermonuclear war? a strange game. the only winning move is not to play. how about a nice game of chess? woah! that really hurts.

who can tell me what that is? winner might get something. or maybe not. :awesome:
All these website decoders are flax. All I get is "ThinkGeek" from the binary and Hex

edit: Ah hah, it's the Phantom Keystroker
I win, go me. My life means something.
oh Dang! you win! i would have given you a psone screen for figuring it out, except, i dont like you! nah, jk. :awesome:

this phantom keystroker is way too much fun. my lang arts classes have become much more fun since this and my annoy-a-tron arrived. :awesome:
Yeah, I've wanted one of those ever since I read about them in a magazine. Don't really have anyone I'd want to freak out with it though. All the people I'd want to mess with use laptops. :P
it works on laptops too. its amazing how little attention people pay. people dont connect the "usb stick" plugged into their pc to the fact that their mouse is moving all over and its typing random stuff.
Yeah, well I've never really been able to justify buying it. I know it's cheap, but I'm sure it would just get me in trouble and end up getting taken away anyway.