DMG questions


so I recently acquired a yellow DMG that I'd like to do some modding to, but I first have some general questions.
I've seen quite a lot of biverted gameboys on 8 bit collective, and I'd like to have a go at it, I'm pretty decent at soldering.
1)where can I get a 74hc04 chips from?
2)do you still remove the original gameboy polarizer when you come to backlight the game boy(after its been biverted)?
1) Me, or ebay.
2) Yes, removing the polarizer is part of the backlighting process. The LCD doesn't function without it.
its alright now, I know where to get the chips, nonelectronics do 74hc86 chips that they said would be okay.

so, I dug a little deeper and I think that you have to invert the gameboy with the chip and invert it as well with the rear polarizer, am I right?
Silver said:
its alright now, I know where to get the chips, nonelectronics do 74hc86 chips that they said would be okay.

so, I dug a little deeper and I think that you have to invert the gameboy with the chip and invert it as well with the rear polarizer, am I right?


Just so you know, Nitro2k01 and I came up with this method, and also the guy who has been doing it for 's pre-available biverted pockets.

Just so you know.
aw i saw this thread and clicked on it thinking i could actually answer someone's questions for once. but bibin beat me to it....Dang