DMG Has Phillips screws


Well-Known Member
i just got a DMG 2 days ago, i was going to ask Coosh if i could borrow the triwing we bought, but i guess i dont have to it has phillps screws. Is there any rev's in which it was like this? I will have to research it because the source of the Gameboy (my grandmas boss' grandchildren) wouldnt have been modding it in 1990, i have it open and it seems to not have been open ever. Why weren't there tri-wing screws?
Super duper common.
It's just an early revision, nothing special, just not quite as common as tri-wing ones.
thanks jlee, i thought my DMG was special like me :)

anything i should watch out for since its an early rev?
when i asked if i should watch out for anything, i didnt mean of value, i meant is anything about it in-superior to later revs