Dmg Gamecube

thatguythere said:
Dang that is tiny! I had no idea the Gamecube could be that small. Cant wait to see how this one tuns out.

You serious? Check the worklogs here on the Forum. You'll be surprised to see It can actually get smaller :)
Dersim said:
thatguythere said:
Dang that is tiny! I had no idea the Gamecube could be that small. Cant wait to see how this one tuns out.

You serious? Check the worklogs here on the Forum. You'll be surprised to see It can actually get smaller :)

Really? I have checked other worklogs in the past and maybe I never really noticed because they are out of the case in the open or in a case I'm not familiar with really to get a sense of proper scale.
thatguythere said:
Really? I have checked other worklogs in the past and maybe I never really noticed because they are out of the case in the open or in a case I'm not familiar with really to get a sense of proper scale.

look up ashen's fusion micro... oh wait I did for you ;)



All of these pictures are Ashen's

@OP looks really really nice keep it up
Yeah it can get a lot smaller I just didn't want to go though the pain of rewiring the capacitors so I did a inbetween cut.
TacoSlayer said:
Yeah it can get a lot smaller I just didn't want to go though the pain of rewiring the capacitors so I did a inbetween cut.

You can cut away the old power pin connector. Saves you some space. Would also remove the filter caps for Audio and the S-video Cap. And while I'm at it why not cut some of the yellow numbers underneath the DVD drive filters, that saves you some millimetres as well. ;)

What did you use to fill in the GB cartridge slot?
Links to epoxy if used please.

Also Nice Work!
I'm actually working on a much smaller cut that WON'T need the video caps (but it'll need a Heck of a lot more via soldering unfortunately) but it'll probably small enough to fit another battery in (when looking at the type that Ashen uses)
Dersim said:
TacoSlayer said:
Yeah it can get a lot smaller I just didn't want to go though the pain of rewiring the capacitors so I did a inbetween cut.

You can cut away the old power pin connector. Saves you some space. Would also remove the filter caps for Audio and the S-video Cap. And while I'm at it why not cut some of the yellow numbers underneath the DVD drive filters, that saves you some millimetres as well. ;)

What did you use to fill in the GB cartridge slot?
Links to epoxy if used please.

Also Nice Work!
Yes I could trim more but like I said before it wouldn't be worth the effort in this case and really there is no need for the few millimeters unless you were trying to get a super small portable like ashen's fusion micro.
To answer you question when I bought my other gameboy a while back it came with a bunch of clear cartridge cases which I just chopped up and frakencased fill up the slot.

Small Update
Mostly waiting on parts from china
Working on a spacer so I can add some batteries
Annnndddd I *PLAQUE* up my Wasp fusion by accidentally soldering several pins together. I might have made it worse by trying to remove the solder :oops: I'll try to fix it or just scrap it and get a new one.
Wow that's really cool. You'll have to post about it soon I'd like to make the worlds smallest one day.
Boy has it been a while
Edited first post with early build pictures I had forgotten about. Small update most of my parts came in.
My 3.5" LCD looks absolutely gorgeous

Heres it running GTA V as I didn't have my cube handy

Pics don't do much justice. Looks so much better in person IMO
Here is a plastic screen cover I made from an old cd case.

My friend gave me some controllers for me to work with so shoutout to Jett

And this small package came today I wonder what it could be ...

More updates coming soon
I bought a replacement PS Vita shell for like $10

But it also came with the analog sticks which usually go for around $10 each so thats a bonus

I'm going to make some custom caps for them so they will be taller and looks more official.
Currently waiting on my new soldering iron
Edit oh yeah I added a spacer so this badboy is having batteries.
Fluxedo said:
Link to the vita shell?
Sorry but it was a listing on ebay
*Edit well it wasn't much of a shell.
I just found a psvita for parts that was just missing the logic board.
So wait is this still a dmg cube or are you switching to a vita cube? Or did you simply want to show off her joysticks you were using
dark_samus said:
So wait is this still a dmg cube or are you switching to a vita cube? Or did you simply want to show off her joysticks you were using
Don't worry I'm only using analog sticks.

Got some work done on the case over the weekend.
