DMG Circuitry Related Pitch bending / Clock Speed Questions


I want to be able to swap (via a switch) between the regular crystal oscillator and the half speed oscillator, while also being able to swap (via a switch) between using a potentiometer to alter the clock speed and not using one.

-I only have ON-OFF switches, and have no hope of getting ON-ON switches due to the fact that I have literally no money now, so the only hope is to see if I can work around it to achieve something similar.
-I do not have or want to use ON-OFF-ON switches here.

Here is a rather crude diagram of what I think I might be able to do to get around my problems (Crude in the fact that I didn't try to make the respective mods necessarily connect to the right places - the diagram is simply to show the ON-OFF switch workarounds):


Would this work? I don't know much about the behavior of electricity but I think it will... If I'm not mistaken, this should turn the switches into ONON-ONOFF, meaning the current will go through either one or both only. Here are some of the bigger questions in relation to this: With the current running through both crystal oscillators like in the diagram, what would the clock speed be? Would the effects of one override the other? Would the effects of both of them average out, resulting in a higher-than-half, lower-than-normal clock speed? Would the effects of both of them add or multiply, resulting in a fast clock speed? I'm hoping one cancels the other out; this way I can just put the one that cancels the other out where the half speed oscillator is on the diagram, and the other one first, achieving a seemingly ON-ON switch. Same questions for the potentiometer situation. I want to know everything I can before going in there and screwing something up badly.

Bonus / Unrelated questions:
-With Nonfinite's V3 backlight, is it the non ground wire that goes through an ON-OFF switch?
-Is there a good way to cut squares into plastic suitable for rocker switches? Right now the best method I've got is to melt a dodgy square with the soldering iron...

All help much much appreciated.