Dingo LCD screen


Is this worth anything for portable systems?
It is very small and has good colors.
The lcd is 2.8"

But, is it usable?
I have seen a few lcd's but this one is very wierd...


Im hoping I can somehow make a AV input for it, suggestions?
oh and batteries
Analogue video input is not possible without some sort of FPGA to decode the A/V input and then re-encode the (presumably composite) signal as digital RGB. Long story short, unless you are a wizard, get a different screen.
Atari said:
Analogue video input is not possible without some sort of FPGA to decode the A/V input and then re-encode the (presumably composite) signal as digital RGB. Long story short, unless you are a wizard, get a different screen.
okay, thanks :)
I was just wondering because I have one in my broken dingoo which i just took apart (buttons were good actually) for the LCD and the speakers. speakers pwn't

lock request and flax (aka flux, oh wait...)