Derp64 Worklog - Finished!



^That picture isn't doing the portable much justice.^

Finished Pictures:

Alright, I finally began on an n64p just a few days ago, and I've got a bit of a problem. The first thing I did was cart slot relocation. Unfortunately, I can't get the system to boot anymore. From what I've read, there's a good chance it isn't fried because the led isn't even getting power. So, my problem is probably something like a short which (hopefully) didn't destroy anything completely. When I first tested the system, however, it turned on, but when I turned it off to grab my A/V cables, it never went back on. I may have put the expansion pack in backwards at some point... that's one possible problem. The other possibility is that my solder joints weren't great on the board. One week~ ago I literally had never touched a soldering iron, but I don't see any connections that shouldn't exist, or any broken joints. When I first got the N64, I confirmed that it worked, along with my two power supplies, jumper pack, and RAM expansion. Nothing gets hot when I give it power either (if that matters).

Update #1 After frying the first board when wiring up power, I've successfully relocated the slot cart, wired up power, a charging jack, headphone jack, and screen (psone) to another board. My next task will be to wire a memory card into a controller board, as well as taking a dremel to the ugly piece of the psone screen's case where the speakers were. More pics tomorrow.

Pics: ... G_0419.jpg ... G_0418.jpg
Kinda stiff 24awg wire: ... G_0414.jpg ... G_0411.jpg
This was actually a broken N64 I practiced soldering on with some even worse wire: ... G_0397.jpg ... G_0422.jpg ... G_0421.jpg

Post-Update Pics: ... ?start=all

At this point, I've added speaker grills, painted everything I wanted to, and set up the internal controller, but it isn't running properly right now (see 3rd reply).

...oh, and if someone else already used the name Derp64 or anything of the like, please tell me.

Another Update: The aforementioned board was fried, so I'll get my hands on another when I get the chance. At least I know what was wrong, and now I'm a lot more confident with my soldering after I got some nicer wire and iron tips.

Another Update: Oh yeah, I finished it.

Fried N64 count: 3
Controller count: 2
Frustration level: -9001
Re: I don't think it's fried... or is it?

You've got a lot of exposed wire. Trim the exposed part down and try it again. Also go the n64 megasticky and click the link "how to relocate a cart slot"

Once you remove the wires hook up your n64 and see if the led turns on. It also wouldn't hurt to check all of the chip's pins for little flecks of solder.
Re: I don't think it's fried... or is it?

Thanks, I'll try it tomorrow. :)
EDIT: IT WORKED :dahroll: Thanks!
Edit 2: Though the cart relocation worked, I fried the board later when I was hooking up batteries. Luckily, I bought another n64 at a tag sale last weekend.
Re: Derp64 Worklog

Sorry for the double post, but I want someone to help me out with this. I'm getting very close to finishing this thing, but now it won't work the way it was 30 minutes ago. I've got the batteries, screen, and internal controller wired up, cartridge slot relocated, and all the grounds which need to be connected are connected. The N64 and PsOne screen are receiving power (and the right amount of it), but the game isn't booting. I'm pretty sure it isn't fried, because I haven't done anything with the power lines recently, and nothing is getting hot when I run the system. The last time the system was running was right before I soldered the internal controller to the board. A while ago I was having a similar problem, and the problem was fixed when I re-positioned the cart slot. This time, however, moving the slot cart around isn't doing anything, and the solder joints in the cart slot are all hot glued. With that said, I can't see anything like a bridge that doesn't belong between solder joints.

Anyways, pics: ... ?start=all
Re: Derp64 Worklog

Those pics don't really do me much good. If you really don't want to buy a new board, desolder all of your connections and start over. Take extreme care to do everything correctly and test each and every little wire you solder. It really helps to be obsessive/methodical in this hobby.
Re: Derp64 Worklog

That soldering is terrifying. You shouldn't have big globs of solder. You only need what it takes to make a connection. If you need to reinforce it, reinforce it with epoxy, not huge globs of solder.
Look at how flax is on the board already. That's what you're aiming for.
The insulation on your wire should also be as close to the connection as you can get it without melting it into the joint. Not half an inch away. Push the wires all the way through, and trim off the other end with wire cutters. If you don't have those, use toenail clippers. Toenail clippers are amazing.
Re: Derp64 Worklog

I finished! After getting a free N64 from a friend, I started fresh on the board, did a wayyyyyyyy better soldering job, and finally wrapped this thing up. The headphone jack itself ended up breaking, and I didn't feel like replacing it. (And I'm not going to.) Now I have an N64p with a five inch screen, original A/V out, controller ports for multiplayer, built in batteries and an integrated controller. Pictures and a video coming soon.
Re: Derp64 Worklog

I know you've all seen this style of N64p at this point, but its not like I was actually intending to copy anyone else's creation. I present to you: the Derp64, my first portable console:





Link to more pictures in OP. Sorry for the lack of finished internal pictures and the presence of blurry pics.