Custom Profile Fields: Suggestions?


Probably SS
Well, I figured out how to make custom profile fields. Turns out it's as easy as pie.

So, of course, I'm taking suggestions, and anyone's that seem like a good idea, we can implement.

It can be made to be displayed just to you, just in your profile, next to tall of your posts, ect.

So lay em on me. Friend codes, anyone?

Xbox Live Gamertag
Wii Message Board Friend Code
Steam names

I requested all these ages ago :p
A sizable amount of us are also on 8bc and active members on Youtube.
Steam ID: XTChrisTX

Also, can you change my title to "World's most helpful troll" without the quotes? I think it's better than "Resident Troll".
Hey, I've probably answered more questions than you. I just insert a snarky remark first. I'd dig up some examples, but I'm too lazy. I think one time some guy asked about RROD, so I put a giant facepalm then explained it.
lets not turn this thread into a pissing contest, because I will win and go home and take my ball with me.

Anyway, I think Steam ID should be a field for sure. PSN, LIVE, and whatever Wii has, maybe.

Also, what about an AKA? A lot of us, including me, go by other aliases on the 'net.
I request a portables one like SS just put on his. It's at 1 for now, but I've got a few that are close to finished, thus making it less akward.
Fact: Portables are handheld units with the system, controls, and screen all in one case.

Nobody but jelly and Bibin disagree, and the latter hates MR anyways, so meh.
Twilight Wolf said:
Nobody but jelly and Bibin disagree, and the latter hates MR anyways, so meh.

Nice baseless claim there.

Trust me, there are plenty of folks who don't believe something that WON'T FIT IN YOUR SUIT CASE is portable.