Custom Gamecube


Well-Known Member
Sup guys,
I have done a lot of stuff but nothing I really cared to share here. I came across a few Gamecubes and recently invested in an airbrush of top quality so I decided to spruce up some Gamecube. This particular one I took a stock purple Gamecube. I bought some pearlized purple and white automotive airbrush paint and revamped the purple paint job. It's super shiny and metallic looking now. I then decided to change the power indicator led to blue and install two more in the drive bay area. What good do LEDs do in a drive bay with no window you ask? I asked myself the same question, so i cut out the circle where the Gamecube badge goes and installed a circular piece of plexiglass, so now you can watch you game discs spin when you get tired of watching the loading screen, and you'll be able to see them in the dark as well. I am willing to sell this bad boy for ~$75. I am open to offers or trades. If you are interested in it PM me and I'm sure we can work something out. If you haven't seen any of my past work, Google image search Ishmael1010 and a flax ton of Gameboys and such will pop up. Now for pics:



It was hard to capture the LED's in the dark, but you get the gist. Let me know what you guys think!
I just had an idea. Have you ever considered re-painting the "NINTENDO GAMECUBE" that was originally printed on that circle onto the plexiglass?
So did you actually install LEDs into the drivebay without plans for a window? I can picture Ish high as *Can'tSayThisOnTV* looking at a gamecube bein' all like "why the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* did I do this."

I like it.
