
Frequent Poster
So what do you think is better and why?

I think LCD is better, as long as you have a descent enough LCD and not some cheap off-brand one you won't be missing any colors. Then who can actually tell the difference of anything over 60/75FPS anyway?
LCD is more convenient, but CRT's allow for scaling without pixel distortion and antialiased scaling. CRT's deliver more vibrant, accurate colors with potentially perfect color depth, and have a 180˚ viewing angle. Other than convenience and power, CRT's win in terms of quality.
I agree with Bibin in every way.

Oh, and in addition to his post, CRTs are (currently) capable of much higher refresh rates than LCDs.
Yes but I did mention in my original post nobody, unless you are full of it, will be able to notice a difference of anything above 60FPS. :wtf:
epicelite said:
Yes but I did mention in my original post nobody, unless you are full of it, will be able to notice a difference of anything above 60FPS. :wtf:

1) It's possible to notice a difference ;)
2) Stereoscopy. Using shutter glasses will effectively cut your framerate in half, so to maintain a clean 60 FPS, you need a monitor that can pull 120.
epicelite said:
Yes but I did mention in my original post nobody, unless you are full of it, will be able to notice a difference of anything above 60FPS. :wtf:
While the human eye can only see so many frames per second, part of what makes us interpret what we see is motion blur. So while 60 FPS is fine and dandy for TV as the cameras capture this motion blur, video games don't have this same blur and we need a higher framerate to allow our eyes to make the same motion blur as they'd get watching a TV at a lower framerate.
bacteria said:
Believe it or not, my eyes seem to update a screen image at a faster rate than normal
Judging by your post, it sounds more like your eyes update slower, not faster than usual ;)
I love big CRT's. Simple. So fast, such rich color, and trinitron provides sharpness. HD-CRT is alright but they handle composite and RF poorly just like LCD TV's.
I used to own a crt hdtv, and it was the best picture I've ever seen on a TV. It was just fine with composite, as well.
I've never been happy with an LCD's graphic capability. The only thing I'll give them is the appearance of a sharper image; other than that, the only reason why I even use one for my desktop is because I don't have room for my CRT anymore. For movies and games both, I'll take a CRT any day.

Can't say much about plasma though. Haven't really had the chance to try one out.
I was a firm believer that CRTs were better for a long time. Then I got this LCD screen for my PC. It's epic awesome, higher resolution than my CRT. I never noticed a difference in colour or motion problems. The refresh rate is lower but I don't notice it.
I've seen some LCD TVs. Some are really awesome, some suck. You have to go to a store and look at them to decide. Otherwise you'll never know what you'll get.