Crazy Idea for a mod


Hi all
Ok so i have officially started to build my NES PC its coming out SICK. I saw a guy on youtube who made the dvd drive in an advance controller which i am planning to attempt. The main and one thing that i wanted to be able to do is make it possible that i can use the NES game cartridges on my PC. meaning to say that i will be able to play the game from the cartridge directly to my computer. the problem is i don't have any experience in programing (i am willing to learn what is necessary) any ideas on how this can be possible?? i saw also on youtube that someone was successful with doing this with a SNES!?!? Please help!! :eek: :eek: :dahroll: :dahroll:
Lol, can't wait to see it!

There's this guy who made something called the "Retrode".
It does what you need it to!
... For SNES and Genesis games...

But, the dude's design is very, well, cool, and works bloody well.
He's able to make simple adapters for other cartridges!
NES carts would be trivial no doubt, and seeing as how he plans to make new ones, I'm sure he'll end up adding NES support.

That's all I know of, good luck, etc.
I saw his website and attempted to email him i hope he answers me ASAP!!
But in the mean time i just revised the mother board for the NES PC it awesome i cant wait for the weekend to hook it up!!
Ill put up pics also! I most probably am going to have a SSD in there too with at least one fan! other then that i need the room for the future NES adapter thingy which if again anyone has any idea were i can start learning about these things please feel free to leave a post!!!!! :mrgreen: as for the DVD drive its going to be a long ride!!!!!!! :cool: