Congrats Palmer

As everyone who contributed on Kickstarter is probably aware, we all just received an update letter. And as I was afraid of......

hailrazer said:
I just want to know how you are going to build and ship 4000 development kits by December ? Yikes :shock:

Wish I didn't have to say I knew it wouldn't happen by December. But I knew it wouldn't happen. :(

We’re happy to be able to finally announce that the Oculus Rift developer kits will begin shipping in March 2013.

Hope this isn't another Open Pandora type of thing.

Good luck Palmer but in business promises shouldn't be made that are totally unrealistic.
I doubt it, OpenPandora was a bunch of retards who had no idea what they are doing, at least we know the Oculus is making progress, and not just constant 'concept-art' images.
I just re-read my post and it comes off as being very negative.

My apologies.

I just want this to succeed and not be a fiasco :)
I think the main problem is that more than half the people getting the dev kits are not developers and just wanted an early unit, which is fine, but it means delays for everyone now.
hailrazer said:
Good luck Palmer but in business promises shouldn't be made that are totally unrealistic.

It was not unrealistic in the start. We already had mechanical drawings and working boards by the time the Kickstarter ended, and had we stuck with our original screen, we would be shipping units right now. I never imagined it would be such a success, I only got quotes for a maximum of 5,000 displays! When we tried to get a few thousand more, though, the maker of the panel said that it was a newly discontinued product, and that all they had was the 5000 or so leftover stock. Because of that, we had to redesign the optics, the case, the control board, basically the majority of the headset.

We won't be OpenPandora, though. :P
I can wait for the consumer version. How far has that been pushed back? I don't mind waiting for a polished version that doesn't have obsolete parts. That, and I dropped all my money on Wii U.
There are gigantic piles of them making way to our distribution center. They will be shipping out from the US in mid-March, people should have them in hand before GDC. :)
Didn't think this was so big until I saw the half-life 2 mod for it on steam and someone I know from a completely unrelated project started to talk about it. Well done Palmer, well done.
Apparently Oculus got $75,000,000 in capital for its 2014 launch of its consumer model, which by all accounts is a vast improvement on an already design noted for its unique property of actually correctly doing what it was designed for.

ProgMetalMan said:
Aogic fitloicm wbaaiavioadn fiupoacdwiw dfl.
Oculus are hardly R&Ding the device any more at this stage, the kickstarter and the initial capital was for that. This budget is to bring it to mass production(where most devices die out because they couldn't budget).

If anything, the most innovation is happening at valve and MTBS at the moment.
Antome said:
If anything, the most innovation is happening at valve and MTBS at the moment.

Naw man, the best stuff is still at Oculus. What innovation at MTBS3D you thinking of?