Congrats Palmer

I saw this on a couple websites and thought it looked cool, but when I saw the video and saw palmer made it, I nearly shat myself, congrats man!
I logged in, just this once, to say I'm proud to have belonged to the community of Palmer's, even if for a short moment in the chaos of time a long while ago.

In other words: d00d da7 pr0du(7 15 73h 8357!!!!!oneone!!

Might even decide to up the amount I want to throw at the screen :P just gotta see how much I make in the upcoming weeks.
Congrats, glad you finally got everything worked out. There's an article on BBC about it, mentions Palmer by name.

I sent the kickstarter link to one of my old roommates, he said he would look into it. 10 minutes later, he tells me he's pledged $365. :awesomepalmer:
Gonna save up money and back it. Seems really great Palmer and I'm happy for you with all your success.

Imagine Mirror's Edge with support for this....It'd be incredible.
Congrats Palmer, this is amazing. I feel cool for ever having talked to you in or forums alone. Your doing something absolutely amazing. Your gonna be famous.

EDIT: Just noticed the day the project is funded is on my birthday! Best birthday ever. :awesomepalmer:
We're in Dallas, Texas right now. Quakecon is pretty sweet. I got an awesome companion cube plush! :awesome: We're gonna be showing off some demo prototype HMDs tomorrow with Doom 3 BFG.. People seem pretty excited to check it out.

And John Carmack is a super cool dude. It was neat meeting him. I think we're going to some kind of dinner thing with him later, too.

I would have pictures, but, you know... maybe tomorrow.