
Frequent Poster
I mainly want to do a portable just to show that I can, not for profit.

I could have completed dozens by now if I didn't always run out of cash halfway through. :cry4:

All portables will be built with a LED modded PSone/Zeneth 5" LCD!! ONLY $200!!
GENNYp (Original genny 3 console!)
PSonep (have one almost finished already, just need a few bux and it can be done in 2 weeks or less!!)

I guarantee you wont find a better looking portable at these prices! :dahroll:
Not interested in buying, but what's you GennyP gonna look like? I don't see no work log!
Dude that was like years ago. :dahroll:

Also how would I have a picture of a GENNYp that is not made yet?
TBH people aren't going to commisson from someone who hasn't shown skills yet. You need to make good portables first and then do commissions, lol.
Plus commission someone to make a portable who has no money. What if you blow up the system, mess up a controller, need more parts? It is the builders responsibility to have money or backup supplies if they screw up. How would you handle that with no money? Would the buyer ever see a finished portable if that happened.

And let's see some work to back this up :
I guarantee you wont find a better looking portable at these prices! :dahroll:
Ok here is my PSonep that I just need a controller to finish, and a battery.
