cleanermc's first GCp


Hello to all the Members in the Forum. First i will introduce myself. My name is Sascha and i am from Germany im 30 Years old and played my whole life videogames on consoles. I work as a car mechanic and my hobbys are working with small electric things and building portables. So now lets start with my first GCp.

What i have at moment.
3,5 inch Screen
3d Printed case + Frankencase
Wasp fusion + Adapter (thx to Badassconsoles working again thx for the new cables)
Adafruit mono audio amp (hope it works)
A few controllers
memory cards
SD Gecko

This is my first GCp and i have done a lot of things. Thanks to all the nice tutorials and advices from the forum members.

I have made the cut on my mainboard and i only need to relocate the 2 Memory card slots.

I have a 3D Printer and thats why i made a case. Here is a little pic of it.

I have the Wasp Fusion working on my test cube, i only need to solder it to the cutted board.

At moment i work on the Controller.

I testet a few buttons and they work, but now i have the a little Problem with the L+R Triggers. I want to use the double stag methode with 2 tact switches. I have the normal tact switches and the rubber ones. I know i have to stag them and the rubber one is on the top.
But i need a little help. On which one of the 2 swiches do i need to put the 10k ohm resistor? And how to i mount the resistor? I read that its needs to be on 3,3v and the Signal and Ground. But i dont get it. If all of them are on the Resistor where does the other side from the tact switch goes to? A little picture or a diagram would be nice.

To do list
Building cooling system ( but cooler is on the way from a netbook ony 1 Euro at ebay^^?
Memory card slot relocation
And building the Battery pack.
Print the other side of the case.

So thats all for now.
Worklog Update 1
So here is a little update of my work. After a little Frankencasing and bondoing. I got this. Thats how my Portable looks at the moment.

And here are the Shoulder buttons and the Z button.

Double Tact mod thx to the nice Guide here in the Forum.

And here how it looks from the inside. Not so nice but its my first.

Everything was working good before i installed it. But now i have a little problem. When i press the analog stick to the left, right and down it works,
but up doesnt work anymore. Maybe someone knows a solution.

And here is the Mainboard. Cant do anymore at moment, i am wating for the fan to get deliverd.
So that i can cut the cooler and installed it before i install the last 2 pieces on the mainboard.

So thats all for the moment i hope you like it.
I don't know about your analog stick. That's weird.

Where did you get that 3.5 inch screen? It has a really small driver board. I could use something like that.
While I cannot help you with analog sticks, I do want to say very nice work so far! What are the shoulder buttons that you're using fr? I've never seen them before and Id like to know.
No they are not from the the Classic GBA. They are the USB SNES Controller ones. You can get them at ebay for around 5-8 Dollar i think.

And for updates I cant Print the other side at moment because its so hot here that the Filament is snapping all the time. So i need to wait.
But i have made the Cooling. Original Cooler with an Laptop Fan. Really nice i will Post a Picture.

I have found th Problems with the Analog Sticks.

@PSIduck you are right they are a little wrong but its working all now thats the important thing^^
Those look like the same mold then. I'll double check when I get home but it's possible the controller you got used GBA buttons.