Case good for making a GCP?

I am new on these forums and I signed up to have a look at what people have made and to ask a few questions.

Basically, I am hopefully gonna try to make a GCP in the summer, when I got to the UK (can't here, all I have is my brother's indigo gamecube in my silver game cube's box with no controller and the parts needed would be stupidly hard and a lot more expensive to get ahold of.)
This will be my first Console modification, so sorry for being so dependful but I am a bit worried about how it will turn out).

I was wondering what case/box would be best for making a GCP out of. I won't trust myself to make a case, not brilliant at plastic modelling.
Currently I have my eyes on this: , but I am worried it doesn't have enough depth to hold all the parts(with a battery pack, but no disk drive).

Ps:Ashen's gcps have inspired me to do this, a few other people's have done as well :D.
Edit: Ok it will probably have to be in the uk, but I might be able to get shipping, anyway I am gonna need it to be a roomy case, because I don't want to brick the gc mobo by trimming too much and I am gonna hopefully use a psone screen, that if all goes to plan, will be repainted and attached to the gcp on a hinge.
Hmmm, yes I have heard of the ZN-45, but the unfortunate thing is that I will be in the uk, wouldn't mind shipping except the uk have outrageous prices when it comes to customs after you import them.
Should have mentioned that it will probably have to be avaliable in the uk :C
If you can't find any trustworthy suppliers searching something like this, ... 24&bih=672

Then be creative, use something nobody uses in your house like an old toy, old router,
Or go buy a kiddie electronic toy at a local store

If you won't trim the GC motherboard, then you need something at least 5in x 5in (12.7cm x 12.7cm)
The height on the case should be okay with 5in
But you should give slack on the width for controls/buttons and screen.
The depth should be decided for what parts are needed usually 1.5in to 2in
Thanks for the advice, I think I may get the golden border trimmed (my dad said he had a jig, but it isnt very good apparentally). Anyway, didnt know the depth could be that thin, with a battery pack and the motherboard. Guess I' just a nub :p.