carpal tunnel :(


He who mods in thy basement.
My right wrist is getting a slight case of carpal tunnel syndrome form all the typing I do. It hurts like a Sega, and I currently am typing with only my left hand. I just recently had to type a 7-page paper for history, single spaced, in 2 days. Painful! :sweat: :gonk:

So, has anyone else ever been a victim of this painful disorder, or am I alone on this one? :neutral2:
I've got it too.

For the love of god, keep your wrist elevated when you're typing and USING YOUR MOUSE!! That's one a lot of people don't pay attention to; keeping your wrist on the desk while using the mouse is a big problem, at least for me it is.

Take a break for a week, if you can. If it's still real bad after that, you may have to have nerve release surgery.
How much do you type? :shock:

I'm on a laptop, I have no elevation problems :D

robm said:
I've got it too.

For the love of god, keep your wrist elevated when you're typing and USING YOUR MOUSE!! That's one a lot of people don't pay attention to; keeping your wrist on the desk while using the mouse is a big problem, at least for me it is.

Take a break for a week, if you can. If it's still real bad after that, you may have to have nerve release surgery.

That just makes my arms sore...

In all seriousness, that sucks.
J.D said:
How much do you type? :shock:

I average 164wpm and type every day. I'm left handed now, so I'm only going about 100wpm. With my right hand, I can get 130wpm.

The mouse thing is good advise.
Basement_Modder said:
With my right hand, I can get 130fpm.
That's faps per minute :P No, I've never had it, but I often get cramps :(


Quick! Get the lotion! :rofl: