Can this be fixed?


Active Member
I connected my batts to my gamecube and then flipped the switch on, I saw a spark where the wires were connected to the gamecube for power. I've tried turning the gamecube on again and it won't work, Ive also tried wallb power. Is there someway to fix this gamecube?
Make sure you're not sending in too much voltage into the gamecube, or that you might have + and - wired backwards. If it still doesn't work, you probably blew the fuse. Replace it. If still not, then you're probably SOL.
The fuse is a white box about 1 cm across, on the power board. But that only applies for rev. A and B boards, and the color may be different. Its next to where the power goes in to the regulator. And you probably have to desolder it and solder on a new one, or put an external one on the outputs on the old fuse. Not exactly sure.
You can either do that or bridge the contacts, giving you no protection for if you put it in backwards again.
Its because you got the wires the wrong way around. It doesn't necessarily mean the board is gone or the fuse is dead (the amount of times I've convinced myself I've blown a board, only to find it working a day later is astounding. The board seems to have some mystical power that makes it heal itself or something)

Check the fuse with a multimeter. If you get 1 across the fuse, then it has blown. You can replace it with fuse wire if you don't want to bridge it. If it hasn't blown, then you're probably safe. Just disconnect everything and leave it for a few hours. Wire it back up with the correct polarity this time and then give it a shot from the mains (first with the fan only, then with the fan and the board, and if still nothing, the fan only by itself)

If the board still doesn't work, and the fan doesn't work afterwards, you have a short somewhere or incorrect polarity still which is tripping your mains plug. This is also magical and heals itself when you unplug it from the mains for a few minutes.

If the fan doesn't work the first time, try another mains adapter.

Let me know your results.
This probably means you fried the regulator, or if it was plugged in to the gamecube, the whole board. Check to make sure the fan board is plugged in to the regulator properly.
Have you tried to bridge the fuse area? I have 2 game mobos and when I bridge them only the orange led comes on and the fan. Nothing shows up on the T.V. I haven't tried anything else and want to get them working. Anyone know how?
xXPunisher24Xx, I got both video and audio working after bridging the fuse on my mobo, there might be something wrong with your cord connecting to the tv, have u checked?