Can I Sample Mouser Products?

No, Mouser is not a manufacturer, they are a retailer. (Thus, no sampling.)
Hop on Mouser or Digi-Key, find out who makes 'em, go to their site, see if they will do samples.

Also, 4-way tact would be a dollar or two at most, BUY ONE?
Actually, I checked a while back and they were quite expensive. Somewhere between $7 and $20, I think about $13 or so. Plus the ridiculous shipping and insult fees they charge to ship a tiny part.
You know, you canucks really shouldnt complain about shipping. It throws it off for the rest of us who live in reasonable locations. :trollface:
It's actually quite ridiculous how much it costs to ship things from the US. In many cases, it's cheaper to ship items from Hong Kong, Japan, or Europe than it is for the US. It's really quite ridiculous, considering the geographical proximity of our nations.
Obviously you have a much better source than the ones I found. Or I screwed up the search somehow.