Well-Known Member
Hi, I've been having a problem with several GameCubes that seems related to my monitor. Ever since I started using a certain CRT monitor to test the output on my GameCube (video + audio), 3 motherboards have acquired very bright, glitchy composite video that for some reason even an AV transplant never fixed. S-video output and audio are not affected. The problem has happened like this: I cut the board to an OMGWTF cut, I prep it for the components I want to put on it, I get the preamp back to functionality, and the next time I turn it on, the picture is blank. Then I try to turn it on again, and the picture suddenly comes up very bright and glitchy. I made a post about this a while back, but now I'm concerned because it has happened again, and only since I've started using that dang monitor. Does anyone know what it could be?