Button retainers


What does everyone do for button retainers when they choose not to frankencase? I mean the little guides that keep the buttons from spinning. I'm looking for a compact solution for a tiny portable. Thanks
Cut them out from the controller hotglue/epoxy (Epoxy works best) them into place.
That isn't an option due to the thickness it is going to force and also that the buttons will no longer have their original tracks on the sides.
If you took the side retainers off of the buttons then there's nothing you can do, you'll just have to live with it. Why would you even do that in the first place?
Because most buttons are too thick for my likings. Especially the ones I'm using for my ps2. They are about a half inch thick, and obviously I don't want that sticking out of my portable. I had a solution of my own by creating a custom retainer out of header pins and pieces of credit card but I was hoping to not have to use it again lol.