Building the "Cube64"


Probably SS
Figured I'd go ahead and give this a shot as my next project, been thinking about it for years.

Anyone ever attempt it? It doesn't look too hard. After I try it out I'll probably do some writeups, the ability to store controller mappings could be handy for portables maybe. TBH I just want one so that I can use a normal GC controller for SSB64.

Thoughts? I could probably flash some chips for people.

Doesn't seem to hard just building an adapter for a gamecube plug with rewired bi-directional, power, and ground cables. But with never working with an N64 in my life I'm not really the best person to listen to. Either way I bet it would make games for fun and easier to play.
Unless it can be done practically, modding a cube controller into a gamecube controller might be easier. :? ... 9&start=15

You're lucky I didn't copyright that thread title :dah:

The page I linked has a picture of it assembled and working. I also have a much smaller one on an etched PCB. I remember finding an AVR version of this somewhere online too. I'll link that if I can find it.

Edit: I love reading old threads and seeing how far I / other people have come. I asked sooooo many stupid questions :shock: .

Also I found the link to the AVR version, but it's gone from the internets forever and it's not on either. This is it if someone can find a mirror.
It should be possible to port to a lowlier chip, such as the ATtiny2313. Alternatively, use a surface-mounted '328. Those things are tiny.