Big Joystick Problem


Frequent Poster
Ok, so as you might have noticed from my last thread, my GC joystick wasn't working with my Retrobit64 controller. I learned that the GC joystick does not have the correct ohm potentiometers for use with the retrobit, so I took the potentiometers off my Retrobit joystick, and realized that they are 3 times the size of the GC ones and wont fit onto my joystick mount. It does says that GC sticks work with Retrobit controllers in the megasticky, and that is why I bought one. Help....
I couldn't get that one to work either. This is what I eventually used in the Elephant64. Works great.


Just make sure the GC stick's X axis is on top and the Y axis is on the left (looking from the side with the pins on it). Doesn't work any other way.
yeah i heard that you can only replace joysticks on 3rd party controllers.. superpad works the best... i hechucklard you can use:
ps1 joystick
gamecube joystich
psp anolog joystick
and the wii classic or nunchuck should also work

Andbody correct me if im wrong... d :awesome:
yeah i heard that you can only replace joysticks on 3rd party controllers.. superpad works the best... i heard you can use:
ps1 joystick
gamecube joystich
psp anolog joystick
and the wii classic or nunchuck should also work

Andbody correct me if im wrong... d :awesome:
MODDEDbyME said:
yeah i heard that you can only replace joysticks on 3rd party controllers.. superpad works the best... i hechucklard you can use:
ps1 joystick
gamecube joystich
psp anolog joystick
and the wii classic or nunchuck should also work

Andbody correct me if im wrong... d :awesome:
soory i wrote hershucklard... im bad at typing