Best NES/Famicom Cooling System?


Frequent Poster
So as we all know the 6502-derived CPU in the NES and Famicom gets incredibly hot due to Nintendo's changes to the CPU core that give it the "Rad Processing" that lets Nintendo games have their "Edge". As it's important to have a good cooler I'm getting worried about mine. It reaches temperatures upwards of 60 centigrade, and I'm using a Zalman CNPS10X Flex Universal CPU Cooler that I've modified to fit inside the casing (as well as cut away some of the casing and added fans).


Should I switch to a liquid-cooled system? Does anyone have any suggestions as to which system might fit inside the original Famicom casing? I'm not sure how the temperatures get so high as this cooler is a solid cooler and I've been using it for years.

What was Nintendo thinking, making a console so hot?
βeta said:
Something like this should be sufficient.


I'm a little worried about fitting it in the case. Do you have a worklog showing how you fit it in?
lol wat

I'm not the one downrating you. Oh, I've been tempted, sure, but I refrain from doing so. ;P

I find it funny how you automatically assumed I'M the one who voted you down, so naturally, you retaliate in what way you can. You're funny.
Bibin said:
SS is an asshole, KB's full of flax, DJ's a scammer, Ampersand's a mob mental, and this place is a flaxhole

Well, then, Mister Butthurt, the door is thataway. Don't let it hit you on the way out.

Or do. That'd be funny.
Oh, irony.

Oh, delicious irony.

"ModRetro is a flaxhole"

Bibin, you're not stupid, you know why I find this hilarious.

I think bibin is a pretty cool guy. eh fights bears with gameboys and dosent afraid of admin.