yuck, such ugly explanation. Voltage isn't measured in ohms, its measured in volts. adding a resistor reduces the voltage by IR, which is Amperage times Resistance. So the amount of the voltage is changed by adding a resistor depends on the rest of the circuit.
As mentioned, a step-down regulator is meant to get you to a particular voltage. Depending on the type of step-down regulators, it can use different methods to bring the voltage down. Linear regulators like the 7805 use resistors as well as are more complicated component to achieve this result. Energy is lost in this method as heat in the resistors.
Another form of step down regulator is a switching regulator that turns the circuit on and off to achieve a lower voltage, and uses a storage element such as an inductor or capacitor to hold a voltage while the circuit is off. Its a little periodic in nature, however it is more energy efficient.