Basic PHP Troubles


Well-Known Member
I am running Ubuntu with all the latest updates btw.

I installed LAMP and set up a few databases in phpMyAdmin and Apache2 is working properly (i can view /var/www/ fine as well)
I began Making a website and php files download instead of view like a webpage. I found Information on the wonderful internet that says they have to be on a server to view, so i installed XAMPP, it works but when i run it, it says this:

Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.7.4...
XAMPP: Another web server daemon is already running.
XAMPP: Another MySQL daemon is already running.
XAMPP: XAMPP-ProFTPD is already running.
XAMPP for Linux started.

any way to view php files that i am missing?
okay, not solved. When i stop apache2 so XAMPP can work, phpmyadmin stops working. So they cant work at the same time, any suggestions?
Fixed, Used
sudo tasksel
Unchecked LAMP server, then ran XAMPP and everything is all good.
Troll/Rude Person.

Learn not to be one. He was usefully bumping his thread providing information others may use in the future. Your post, however, has no such future-outlook.
No, Coosh is right and that's obviously not what trolling is. Look at the post times, DSV could have easily edited his post instead of quad-posting, and bumping when its likely most everyone had not even seen his problem yet.
Im sorry, but i thought bumping in this case would have been useful. And i dont think quad posting is against the rules
I don't know, but its Dang annoying. Proper posting etiquette is to edit your post when they are so close together.