Backing up a website


Frequent Poster
I love modretro, don't you! It's chalk full of useful info on modding and hacking in general, but the thing is it doesn't go wherever you go.

So you see my predicament?

Is there a program that I can use to back up a website, specifically modretro, so I can view it when I'm not connected to the internet?

Preferably being able to interface with it as I would online, and be able to see all the pictures as well.
Do you know the name of one in particular?

and yes I wouldn't mind the 14gb size, if I can access all the info on modretro at any time 14GB is nothing.
Google up "Spider Crawler" or something like that.
Spider Web Crawler Backup or something.
Firefox plugin, used to use it, worked wonders.

Other than that, Google is your friend.
For anyone interested HTTrack works, took me 3 days to download modretro, finished with about 3.5gb of space taken up, not what I was expecting but I'm not complaining, very small.
On a similar note, does anyone know of a program that does this only for the webpages you visit (and maybe the pages it links to), and not the whole site? I would like to make my own offline wikipedia, but without downloading all the articles i'll never read.