Auto wiikey button concept


Well-Known Member

This is my main concept as for making a auto loading wiikey button. It is basically two timers side by side. When the top timer goes off, a ground current goes to T4 and breaks the circuit of the sense wire. When the bottom timer goes off it trips T3 and breaks the current going to T4 thus allowing the sense wire's current to flow to the wiikey again. I don't actually have a wiikey to test this on but it worked when I wired up an LED. This could easily be done with a 555 timer chip as well, just remove everything but T3 and T4 but again I don't have any to test with.
I've actually got the parts waiting for me at home to make an auto wiikey switch, but it uses a johnson counter a 555 timer.
I have some super tiny SMD AVR chips. I'm thinking about programming them to do an auto-wiikey switch. Just delay a few milliseconds, cut the connection from ground, delay again, and then reconnect it. Should take about 6 lines of code.