Audio Amp problems


Frequent Poster
I built the pocket protest amp that zeturi posted, and here's my results:

At minimum volume, loud buzzing. turn it up, it gets quieter. Then turn on input, and at minimum volume loud buzzing. Turn it up and buzzing gets quieter, music gets louder but sounds terrible.

It is grounded properly.

I'm testing the amp I made right now. I'll double check the diagram, but SS used it and it worked okay, so I'm not sure. Connect the audio ground, one wire from the speaker, and the ground from power all together. That's how I have mine set up.

But mine's also doing the same thing. Hm... maybe ask SS what's up. I'll see if I can fix it. Sorry, Snow! :gonk:
I took a look at the Instructable:

The wattage is low, but since theres no filtering or enhancement the sound that comes out is quite brash...
The audio quality is harsh, and in the configuration below you can only get about 2/3's of the volume before the sound is complete garbage, but its surprisingly loud even at low knob levels
The pocket protest is a basic LM386 reference design with some components forgotten or replaced

I don't think it's supposed to sound good. :lol:
I think you should google up a proper LM386 amp circuit.

Looking at other circuits online, an LM386 amp seems far more complicated than this shows.

Complicated enough to make me want to just go buy a little audio amp from radioshack and use that.
Build a TPA6021 amp. It's fairly easy, but mine didn't work because my chip was screwed up. One side work, and the other didn't. Flipping the input circuity and output circuitry did nothing. I guess free samples aren't always great...