AT&T is buying T-Mobile

PalmerTech said:





On the other hand, it might not be so bad as long as I get to keep my unlimited everything plan. Otherwise its off to to a CDMA carrier again.

God Dang, I hope they don't screw me over, but flax its ATT.
They said they will honor all contracts that are still in effect. As in, you will get to keep your plan until your two years is up.

I am no-contract, so flaxsux for me.
vskid3 said:
I have Verizon, u jelly? :trollface:
Nope. I have TracFone. $7/mo b-----es :trollface:

Slightly off-topic: Thanks for linking to ca.gawker instead of their godawful redesigned homepage. :awesome:
PalmerTech said:
They said they will honor all contracts that are still in effect. As in, you will get to keep your plan until your two years is up.

I am no-contract, so flaxsux for me.

Yea, my contract will likely be up or almost up by then. If I can't get my unlimited internet grandfathered in at least, I'll probably have to switch to Sprint/Virgin considering Verizon is going to get rid of their unlimited plans too. Sucks how ATT and Verizon will now be able to control prices even more than they did before.
I would have much rather seen a T-Mobile Sprint merger than even having a small chance of this purchase going through. :/

I guess on the upside though, if the deal doesn't go through, we come out with the same T-mobile, but even better.