bentomo Frequent Poster Mar 20, 2011 #1 Being in the center of the country the closest convention I can go to is the midwest gaming classic, I usually hang out with the benheck crew, but I'm wondering if any of you guys are going to be there this year?
Being in the center of the country the closest convention I can go to is the midwest gaming classic, I usually hang out with the benheck crew, but I'm wondering if any of you guys are going to be there this year?
Basement_Modder He who mods in thy basement. Mar 23, 2011 #2 I may actually attend that when I turn 18 in 2 years. Other than that, no time, no money.
bentomo Frequent Poster Mar 24, 2011 #6 It's actually this weekend. I guess no one from modretro goes at all. *sigh*
Twilight Wolf Frequent Poster Mar 24, 2011 #8 I'm not going for the same reason I don't go to any event: lack of transportation.
S ShockSlayer Probably SS Mar 24, 2011 #9 I'm not going for the same reason I don't go to many if any events: lack of funds, transportation, and time. SS
I'm not going for the same reason I don't go to many if any events: lack of funds, transportation, and time. SS
Jidan JEEEEEEEEDAN Mar 24, 2011 #10 Heck, if I'd known about it before now I would go. Maybe next year I guess
PalmerTech Founder of Modretro Staff member Apr 4, 2011 #11 I was planning on going, but it ended up being a choice between MGC, and going to Colorado to visit my GF. Sorry for choosing Ho before Bro. I am going to try to attend next year, for sure, though.
I was planning on going, but it ended up being a choice between MGC, and going to Colorado to visit my GF. Sorry for choosing Ho before Bro. I am going to try to attend next year, for sure, though.
nightwheel Active Member Apr 5, 2011 #13 I wasn't able to go this year due to funds and school. Next year though, I hope to get things sorted out so that I can go.
I wasn't able to go this year due to funds and school. Next year though, I hope to get things sorted out so that I can go.