Aproximate price of making a portable n64?


Assuming the only part I have is a Nintendo 64 and one controller..what else do I need to buy, and what would the pricing be?
Case - free if you use polycase, or otherwise anywhere from 20-40 bucks.
Screen - $45 for a PSone screen / $30 for a 3.5" screen (which doesn't have speakers)
batteries - Depending on how long you want this portable to stay alive persay. Most common is 2X 3.7v 4700mAh batteries + a charger + PCB = $50.

Its usually over $100 to make a portable since you never know what might go wrong.
Ok, I've seen the PSone screens on ebay for much cheaper than that, so I guess just under 100 would be a good estimate...

JD, where'd you come up with that figure, or can I just guess you're joking as you have a RickRoll in your avatar and signature.
Yes you can buy a PSone screen for cheaper than $45, but some might be broken and others come with a PSone console and all that.
There is a constant seller on ebay who is very trusted and many people buy screens from him.
It's just safer.
J.D, don't be a "Flamboyant Homosexual".

Anyways. when you are ordering a PSOne screen, make sure its an OFFICIAL SONY PSOne screen. The other cheap knockoffs are flax and really bad for portablizing.

Argelfraster is spot on with batteries, they usually go for $50-75. Depends on how much power you want vs. price. Getting free samples from polycase is easy, and even then thier cases are good for the price.

Also, don't forget misc expenses if you need to buy switches and buttons and solder and resistors and capacitors...ect.

ShockSlayer said:
Anyways. when you are ordering a PSOne screen, make sure its an OFFICIAL SONY PSOne screen. The other cheap knockoffs are flux and really bad for portablizing.

Argelfraster is spot on with batteries, they usually go for $50-75. Depends on how much power you want vs. price.
Zenith screens for GC, PS2, and Xbox (like this one) have the same guts as official PSone screens, and are sometimes cheaper and easier to get.
If you really want to keep costs down, you can not use batteries or buy them later.
Don't try to cheap out. I did, and ended up spending way more than if I had gone full-out at the beginning.
I spent over a grand for my first one, but that was because of tools mostly that I won't have to buy again. Also, I vac-formed my first case, so my polystyrene stock cost me a lot because of trial and error,also the materials to build the table and heat box was over $100 on its own.

But in components alone, you're looking between $200 to $250 for a done-right portable from scratch. (vac-forming included)

And yes, XCVG hit it, don't cheap out, it's more expensive and costs more time than anything fixing mistakes.