Any recommendations for screen?

I purchased this screen: ... 1497.l2649

I messaged seller asking if it supports composite video and was told yes. I hooked it up today and the colors look right but the screen consistently scrolls down. Ive test n64 on a tv and it works fine so I believe it to be the monitor. When I googled the issue majority of what I find says the monitor likely does not support composite video.

Any suggestions on a 5inch tft?

The screen is probably fine, just that recently a lot of them aren't working with n64 anymore. Not sure why, if there is even a reason other than typical chinese cloning build quality. It happened with Genesis products previously so who knows.
Saw that but he does not ship to Canada. I found his canadian store on tho and got one for $39 including shipping
:) Glad I could help. I researched all of this N64 stuff like three years ago, and only looked on eBay for items. I completely forgot Amazon. I remember the PS1 screen was out of my price range back then too, but when I found it for cheap, I was ecstatic. :)
I'm having the same issue as we'll but when I first got it was working fine but now it's just scrolling down :?