AfroLH's Guitar of Awesomeness (EDIT: KILLSWITCHv1 FINISHED)


Frequent Poster
So I am gonna "Mod" my Guitar.

I'm going to:
-Add a Kill switch (either Removable or Permanent)
-Add a sick design drawn by either me or my friend
-Change out the "Volume" and "Tone" knobs

Any other ideas?

Re: AfroLH's Guitar of Awesomeness (WorkLog)

Lol, I kinda have to change my strings in order to draw on it.
Re: AfroLH's Guitar of Awesomeness (WorkLog)

What kind of pickups do you have? Are they active or passive? Single coils or humbuckers?
Re: AfroLH's Guitar of Awesomeness (WorkLog)

neverused said:
What kind of pickups do you have? Are they active or passive? Single coils or humbuckers?

They are Passive Humbuckers.
They look like this:

2 of them.

samjc3 said:
what kinda guitar is it? is it hollow? :awesome:

Epiphone SG Custom. Sadly its not hollow.

I'd rather not ruin my $1500 Hollow Body :wink:
I like how you modded your guitar cable and not your guitar. :P

I still think you should scallop your frets.