A not so poemish poem by DJ711.


I like purpale ponies
Chatroom said:
(02:10:05) DJ711: When we had finally gotten back my rifle, we had wandered into an electronics store. ModRetro Electronics: We build your projects and help you….Tomorrow displayed on a neon green sign above the store. I opened it up, there sitting behind a counter were two teenagers, younger than us at least by looks using something hot think pencil like iron to do something to a motherboard of what looked like a old Nintendo 64. The one on the right had a hat on and black sunglasses, he was about the same size as the one on the left, I couldn’t pick up much details. The other, wearing a red headband with light hair was on the left. I was too worried to pick up details.
“Palmer, you solder the wires to the cart slot then to the board. Do you know how to use a soldering iron? Maybe if you didn’t build cases instead of projects I wouldn’t have to teach you!” The one on the right shouted. Palmer, the one on the left recoiled at the sound of the other guy’s voice.
“Well, Daylen-“ Palmer began but Daylen cut him off
“It’s ShockSlayer!” ShockSlayer screamed, to be honest I was about to shoot them both.
“Shut up, we have customers!” Palmer said and stood up.
“Yeah, whatever, we’re just browsing.” 18 spat, it a very spiteful tone, Palmer placed his hands on the board and then sighed.
“Yeah, we don’t get much business, not very well known, you know?” He asked, I kind of knew but not really. It was funny, neither of them noticed how heavily armed we were.
“Palmer watch this.” ShockSlayer said and quickly bonded a bunch of wires to a small metallic rectangle or cart slot. 18 walked over and began to look. Sniper pinned himself against a wall keeping watch for Siren’s goons and Y was just Y. Palmer and ShockSlayer continued what ever the Heck they were doing.
“Hey, any of you got some booze?” Sniper called out, ShockSlayer shook his head.
“Sorry bud, dry county.” Palmer answered
“*Can'tSayThisOnTV*. Of all the Dang places.” Sniper said and sighed. I pulled out my pistol and aimed at the bell, I fired a shot, the bullet bounced and the ringing bell broke the tension. Palmer looked me dead in the eye.
“If you’re going to rob us, rob us.” He said shortly, I looked at him and sighed.
“We’re being chased; I need you to shut up so we can hear if they are outside.” I said and Palmer just went back to work. I heard footsteps and before I could react a couch was thrown through the window, pinning me and my team against the wall. Two soldiers came in and ignored Palmer and ShockSlayer.
“Finally, you die.” One muttered, Palmer leapt from behind the counter, iron in hand a extension cord trailing behind him. I looked as Palmer pulled a ninja move and jabbed the burning hot iron into the scotch tape the wires (better than solder imo) on the left’s eye socket, blood pored out and the scotch tape the wires (better than solder imo) let out a agonizing scream, right before he died of burns in the third degree in his brain. The blood pooled at his feet and he collapsed letting go a groan as he did, the blood seemed to boil even as he fell. Getting splattered with molten blood wasn’t the greatest thing in the world. The scotch tape the wires (better than solder imo) turned but as he did, ShockSlayer stabbed him with a metal pipe with batteries attached to it. The scotch tape the wires (better than solder imo) fried on the spot, and died alongside his fellow piece of flax. We turned to look at them, not knowing what to say.
“Good Job SS! You fried him like your first N64p!” Palmer said happily and laughed, ShockSlayer screamed in anger!
“SHUT THE *Can'tSayThisOnTV* UP! YOU PROMISED NOT TO MENTION THAT!!” He screamed. 18 stood up and shook Palmer’s hand
“Good work for a civilian.” He said and exited through the broken window, my team followed and I got up and looked at them
“We’ll keep in touch.” I said and he looked at me.
“Well check out ModRetro.com for our fine line of products! We even have a forums to answer questions!” ShockSlayer shouted and I followed my team out. All I could think of is: What the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* just happened?
We need a story thread.

Palmer's day off.
SS's christmas charol

And more that I can't find anymore.
I want you all to realize this a cameo on my novel. It has yet to be edited at all, and I like this cameo.
you know, I don't think there would be too much blood gushing out if you use a soldering iron as a weapon. It would sear all the blood veins shut. What are you, retarded? :dah:
grossaffe said:
you know, I don't think there would be too much blood gushing out if you use a soldering iron as a weapon. It would sear all the blood veins shut. What are you, retarded? :dah:
You have low self esteem, and I just have low blood sugaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Oh, and I have some fanfics that were made in the chatroom saved on my laptop and uploaded to mediafire, just say if you want to see them and I can get linky.