A new n64p worklog, maybe I'll actually finish it this time!


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Okay, so found this awesome case at a garage sale, pretty close to as small as you'll get without rcp wiring while keeping the whole mobo in the case. A bit wider, but a square portable isn't exactly much better :P

So I figured I had to buy it and do something with it, so I decided an n64p would be in order considering its perfect size. I still am missing an n64 and a couple of small parts, but I've had everything else X9001 forever, multiple batteries, etc.


Nice and small. Smaller than the ag-85 in every dimension, I might estimate 75% the size of the ag-85.
Uh, It's not terribly thick. Not thick enough for a built in cart slot, I think, though I could be wrong. I like the idea of having the cart slot on the back so that the expansion pak can sit under the cart and not require extreme trimming.

No lob64, as I'll never meet anybody with a lob64 handheld I'm sure.
Ok cool. I'm loving this so far! Have you thought of what batteries you'll use yet?

When/if I ever get enough cash to build a n64p, I might just have a 'lob64'-style project box with the output to the 4 controller ports, to save space in the handheld itself.

PSOne screen I'm assuming too?
No. See the pic? You can tell by the button sizes, definitely not. 3.5.

This case is way too small for a psone screen, literally on either side of the lcd there would be about 1/2" of space, and the screen board would be in they way of the controls even if you could get controls in that small a space.

Batteries, probably going to use 6600 mAh Li-ions, possibly 4400.
Oh yeah, now that I look at the pic it is obvious :P
What voltage does the screen run off?

You'll get a decent playing time with those batteries, right?
6600 mAh should give a good 4-5 hours, I think.

Screen runs off 12v, but I'm pretty sure they've been used at 7.4.
:( I want that case. I've been thinking of an AG-85 for my Elephant64 recase but I like the shape of that a lot more. Maybe I'll look for something new and original instead of a Polycase. Something free.
dave said:
Nice bump Atari :mrgreen:
>2 week bump. Besides, it seemed to be one of the few interesting things out of all of crap worklogs from noobs. At least snow has a pic. XD
When do you get off vacation, SP?