A little help with diagrams and wires...

Hey there guys, great to be here! :awesome:

I've got two simple questions, and the first is about board diagrams. When something is labelled 3.3V, 1.9V, 5V etc, does that mean that I need to route power from the regulator onto these specific points or does it simply mean that I connect the 3.3V point on A to the 3.3V point on B. For example, Ashen posted these two lovely pictures of the Gamecube memory card pinout:

[Many thanks to Ashen by the way :)] So here, would I connect the 3.3V line from the memory card to the 3.3V line on the pinouts? Or is something more complex required.

And the second nooby question: do these voltage lines require something a little more resistant than hookup wire, or will I be fine using hookups for these points? Where should I be using higher resistance wiring [apart from the battery :dah:]

Many thanks, and I hope to post pictures of my portable Gamecube in the months to come.
CaptainBiology said:
Hey there guys, great to be here! :awesome:

I've got two simple questions, and the first is about board diagrams. When something is labelled 3.3V, 1.9V, 5V etc, does that mean that I need to route power from the regulator onto these specific points or does it simply mean that I connect the 3.3V point on A to the 3.3V point on B. For example, Ashen posted these two lovely pictures of the Gamecube memory card pinout:

[Many thanks to Ashen by the way :)] So here, would I connect the 3.3V line from the memory card to the 3.3V line on the pinouts? Or is something more complex required.

And the second nooby question: do these voltage lines require something a little more resistant than hookup wire, or will I be fine using hookups for these points? Where should I be using higher resistance wiring [apart from the battery :dah:]

Many thanks, and I hope to post pictures of my portable Gamecube in the months to come.
Are you looking to relocate the slot or hardwire a memory card?
Crazy Inventor said:
Are you looking to relocate the slot or hardwire a memory card?

I'm thinking of hardwiring a memory card, but I'd be interested to know what to do to relocate the slot as well, if you're willing to explain.
In the case of the two pictures above the connections labeled on the motherboard are outputs. The connections labeled on the memcard are inputs. So yes, you may wire from those two pics point to point. A to A, B to B like you said.
Ashen said:
In the case of the two pictures above the connections labeled on the motherboard are outputs. The connections labeled on the memcard are inputs. So yes, you may wire from those two pics point to point. A to A, B to B like you said.

Excellent, thank you Ashen!

And is simple hookup wire suitable for the job? I don't need higher resistance/capacity wiring for the voltage points, right?