$50 Radioshack Giftcard


Well-Known Member
I have one brand new radioshack giftcard worth $50 I got this weekend as an early christmas present. I do not need it as I just got a bunch of gifts from there. I am willing to sell it for $45 or trade it.

What I am looking for:

PS1 screen
Any 5" or bigger screens.
A working SNES mini
ZN-40 from polycase (this would have to be along with something bigger)
Game systems
8 LEDs to use for modding a PS1 screen (again this would have to be with something bigger)
The only things that giftcard can buy are wire, solder, and a ticket to Heck.
epicelite said:
I traed u a ZN-40 with bondo on it already, and some LED'sez. :3
What do u mean bondo already on it? Pics? And ur talking the digikey leds right? How many? Got anything else to trade with it?
I have a frontlit gameboy color, a snes mini that could presumably be fixed, a genesis 1, and other stuff that i cant think of. Also, I can add cash if you only want a one thing or something.
@ epicelite - Would you be willing to give me 8 tested and working LEDS, the zn-40 and $20?

@ pkmnjunky7 - What is wrong with the snes mini?
I'm not sure exactly. All I did was relocate the caps. I broke one of them but i bought a replacement. Honestly, I think if you were to mess around with them you could get it working. Maybe get a different replacement cap.
...I thought I was trading you my SNES Minis for the frankencased ZN-45. :?

Weren't you going to try to fix one of them and then try the same thing on the other one (hopefully fixing both)?