Let us not fight amongst ourselves, everyone here IMO is a cool bro in my book and has contributed plenty. Bibin and Beta are (my favorite)ladies when it comes to anything video related, I trust that what they are saying is true, because it's literally
what they do.
Then again, regardless of
facts or logic, beauty is in the eye of the IGNOREer. The 4

screens are perfectly fine in my book, and Ashen and Bud(and others who I may have forgotten atm), both
respectable portablizers have used it, and say it's perfectly fine. Let me add on to that for clarity:
Happy? No average person really gives 3 *Can'tSayThisOnTV*s about how
good RGB looks on a $100 CRT monitor, or how amaaaazing progressive scan looks on these new gamecube portables. It just doesn't matter.
Bibin said:
hailrazer said:
Let he who has actually made and/or sold a portable cast the first stone.
If we dive into the definition of portable, this quote loses all of its meaning.
I still count because I hold two worlds smallest titles, even though I stand upon a pile of hot-glue duct-tape car battery concoctions.
All of you are right to a degree, and that's what happens when a bunch of intelligent people converge on one issue.
Gonna go ahead and lock this, I hate doing that after writing a long post, but I feel that the topic's original question has been answered, everyone's made their points, and I don't feel like doing a follow up to this.