$250 isn't really that much, but it IS over the $200 line, which means that people think it's a lot more expensive than it actually is. I'm sure there's some official sounding psychiatric association name for that sort of thing.
Will I buy a 3DS? No. I have $250 saved up, but that's going toward my new Sandy Bridge (or possibly Bulldozer) rig. The two main draws of the 3DS don't really interest me. I don't give a Dang about 3D, and from what I heard the 3DS implementation isn't that good anyway (needs exact angle, severe eyestrain). The games that others are touting as killer titles fail to interest me. I'm more interested in the NGP/PSP2, but really, neither one is what I REALLY want. What I really want is a handheld PC in a similar formfactor. We're close, but not quite there yet.