Just a bit more info on all of this.
The max range of a regular analog stick in the GC pad testing program I use is -111-+111 on both axis's. To make this a bit more clear, when you start the program the analog will be centered at 0. Then, depending on which way you tilt the stick the numbers will move - or + in the respective direction.
Using an official GC controller and also one of the cheap Classic Controller knockoffs to test the max result I get with a 3DS stick is in the -90's-+90's range on both axis's. This is using 3.3v supply power.
If I bump the supply voltage up to 5v I get a range of roughly -111-+60 on both axis's. So it makes the analog unbalanced.
PSP nubs using both above mentioned controllers and an input of 3.3v give a range of about -65-+65 maybe hitting -70-+70 sometimes. Little more than half the range of a regular analog stick. This being said sometimes when you boot the GC using PSP nubs certain directions don't register enough to provide full function in certain games. It all is going to depend on what the game was programmed to accept as "far enough" to register a "full press".
For my fusion micro I did a variety of wacky flax to correct this and I may have actually damaged the controller board while *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing around, so for me to explain in detail how I accomplished getting them to work may not be reliable. This being said, It works right most of the time, but I do have to reboot sometimes to get certain games like Wind Waker to like the PSP sticks and the range they provide.
Hope that all helped clear some stuff up that I may have left out of my explanations.